Tuesday, November 27, 2012

No Exit

1. If I was to create hell I think it would be a place I couldn't escape. I like knowing answers to everything and without answers I am lost. The ultimate hell for me would be where I was trapped in a maze and can't get out. I think that would be really terrible. I think there is no way to find peace in a hellish environment because that's what hell is: somewhere you can't stand.
2. I definitely believe that too much of a good thing or too much of a bad thing can eventually be bad. Everything is nice in moderation and hell can be too much of one thing.
3. Satre creates a sense of hell by describing what the three characters see around them. You understand what they are going through by what they do and don't say to each other. I think a hell on Earth would be were there is no freedom or room for growth.  You need opportunities to grow as a person and that is what makes me happy. Without ever accomplishing anything, to me that would be like hell.

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